South Brisbane Hebrew Congregation Givat Zion
The South Brisbane Hebrew Congregation (Givat Zion) is a small but vibrant orthodox synagogue in the southern suburbs of Brisbane.
We offer a wide range of activities, including synagogue services and social and ducational activities.
The synagogue is renowned for its warm and friendly atmosphere as we gather to pray, observe Shabbat and festivals, or to commemorate special anniversaries and yahrzeits. Our doors are always open for people to find support and to make a connection with the Jewish world in Brisbane.
Everyone is encouraged to participate in all aspects of Synagogue life. Our services are attended by a core group of dedicated individuals and we always welcome guests to join us. Our High Holiday Services are a time of reflection when we join together for an uplifting and inspirational service.
Everyone is invited to visit our beautifully refurbished shule - and there might be a few more improvements to come!
There was a bumper crowd for a very successful meeting of the Cultural group this week - with a surprise visit from former Brisbane resident and shule member Grace Singer.
Please look at the historic photos of the Deshon Steet Shule that have been added to our Gallery. Let us know if you have any other photos to add.
The Cultural Group meets in the last week of the month and the craft group meets most Wednesdays at the Goldmans.
Regular Events
Shiur at the shule - most Shabbat afternoons
Cultural Group - last Tuesday of month at 11 am
Craft Group - most Wednesdays at 7.30pm